Attitude – Crash Diets
Posted in Human Resource Management |
The attitude of an individual depends a lot on the large number of factors and one of them is the type of the diet one is dependent on in the day to day life of an individual. As this factor charges people to work whole day by starting the day with a suitable diet of there liking and then ending the day in the same way by having a diet of there interest. In this article we will be covering the concept of the various features of the attitude depending on the one of the type of the diet and this is generally referred to as the crash diet. A crash diet in easy to easy terms in our day to day life can be termed as or can be defined as the type of a diet that is very extreme in the nutritional value deprivations and especially on the restricting calorie in take procedure. The main motive of this type of the diet is the vision to achieve the rapid weight loss and this type of the diet may also differ from then out right starvation but only on a slighter side of the process. Such forms are not at all meant to be lasting for the long periods of the time, which mean to say that the time duration can be summarised only for a few weeks. In the case of the crash diets, it can be termed as the term that on a especial note implies a lack of the concern for the proper type of the nutrition. But all done than said is the case here as following this type of the diet is not that easy and in the poetic terms can be termed as to be very scary as referred to as by a large no of the authors. The major thing that plays a very critical role here is that the individual lacks that sincere concern and that commitment to feed ourselves right at the right times. The correct scenario is that the procedure is of the nature and is highly dependent on the mechanism of the demand and the supply. One thing that should be kept in mind here is that the person should not at all lose ones mind as it directly affects the attitude of the person. Correct steps not only change the body but also the mind and also the soul of an individual. In a survey conducted, a large amount of the people feel that the diets were all about the starving and in some other words as referred to as by a large no of the persons it can be said to be as punishing your self. But one needs to change these types of the thoughts and also change the perception that one makes in ones mind before even under standing any thing.
One should not lose ones mind simply by complicating some thing as simple as the feeding your self. There is a very thin line between the words simplicity and the over simplification. One point that should be kept in ones mind is that the key points should not be missed just in order to prove a point of the over simplifying the agendas that are being worked up on. Over simplification has been found to very dependent on the mystification. And this ultimately leads to the saying that the word dieting is the most misunderstood word of the English language. Eating correct items and at regular times and in proper quantities is very essential as this will directly impact the attitude of the person as this is greatly dependent on the mood of the person and the word diet impacts one mood on a very large extent. The diets should always be personalised as these should be planned according to the individuals needs and interests and the working conditions of the person. Over generalisation and also the over simplification will never work and this has also not worked even in the past as this has been tried n no of the times and has failed at maximum no of the times. One should use ones common sense when it comes to eating correctly and this should be the central theme of any individuals living. One should try to take things in a different manner relating to our body, the food, the act of the eating etc. one should always focus on the and at the correct intervals of the time. Once one follows these principles the motive can surely be achieved and one will for sure feel better both mentally as well as physically. Ultimately impacting the attitude of an individual as attitude is nothing but the degree of the positive or the negative affects of the associated factors with some of the psychological objects. By psychological effect one refers to as the any type of the symbol or the phrase or the person or the institution or the ideal or the idea which aims towards the people that can differ with the reference to the positive or the negative affect. Any type of the individual that has associated positive effect or the feeling with some of the psychological objects is said to be like that object or to have a favourable attitude towards the object. Any type of the individual who is found to be having associated negative effect with the same psychological object would be said to dislike that particular type of the object or to have an unfavourable attitude towards the object. So it can be said that the attitude is one of those factors that are among the components of the psychological make up of the individual that is able to determine that he shall react not in a passive or a neutral way but in a selective and a characteristic way especially in the relation to the certain specific structure situations, as it is an enduring factor or an organization of the motivational, emotional, perceptual, cognitive processes with respect to some of the individuals world.