A brief introduction about Attitude
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According to Thurstone, in 1946, attitude was said to be as the degree of the positive or the negative affect that is said to be associated with the some of the psychological objects. By the psychological effects, the Thurstone, refers to as the any type of the symbol or the phrase or the person or the institution or any type of the ideal or further any type of the idea mainly towards the type of the people that can appear to be as the different subject with the reference to the positive or the negative effect. After Thurstone, came in to the picture was the All port and he in 1935, said that the attitude can be defined as the mental state or the neutral state of the readiness that in turn is organised through the experience and then further exerting a directive or a very dynamic influence up on the individuals response to all the objects with which it is related. After these two research workers came in to the picture, the H B and the H B English dictionary that in 1958 defined the word attitude as the one of the many terms that are found to be referring to an aspect of the personality inferred to an account for or the objects. An individual who has always associated positive effect or the feeling with some of the psychological object is said to be as the liking of the object or to the one with the favourable attitude towards the object.
An individual who has associated negative affect with the same psychological object would be said to dislike that object or to have an unfavourable attitude towards the object. In 1945, the sheriff and the Cantrell said that the attitudes are among those components of the psychological make up of the individual that plays a very vital role in the make up of the individual which determines that he shall react not in a passive or a neutral way but in a selective and a characteristic way especially in a selective way. After this came in to the picture the Creech and the crutch field and according to them the attitude can be defined as the enduring organization of the motivational and the emotional perceptual and the cognitive processes with the respect to some of the individual’s world. Attitude has been in a general view has been defined or explained as the meaning that one associates with a certain object or the idea and which has the ability to influence the acceptance of it. So now definitely it can be said that the attitude is the predisposition or readiness to respond in a pre determined manner to related stimuli. All the above studies and explanations can help us to summarise that the Attitude implies a state of the readiness to react to a certain object or the class. Attitude has a directive effect not only on the feelings but also on the action related to the objects. In our day to day life it can be said that the attitude of the children towards the school will surely influence the further directly influence the behaviour of a student regarding the various school matters. Attitude towards the school will influence the attendance behaviour of the students, his or her interest in the activities of the school including both of the curricular and the extra curricular activities. Also will surely influence the attitude towards the teachers and the general school environment and even on the importance placed on the earning of the high grades.
A comprehensive dictionary of the psychological and psychological terms says that the dull child is that who is literally not sharp, metaphorically, of colours that lack brilliance of pain that is massive and then diffuse of tones that lack high partials of literature or of social activities that are un interesting as they at a whole lack in variety and novelty, of person that are either un intelligent or uninteresting prosaic. Now the difference between the various students can be understood as the attitude of all varies depending on the various physical and the cultural and the emotional conditions. There are various factors that are mainly responsible for the changing attitude of the children, these generally in our day to day life include academic scenarios, academic achievements, study habits, socio economic status of the family, parental behaviour, emotional disturbance, reading facilities, teacher’s behaviour, self attitude towards the school, and parent’s attitude towards the school. There is considerable evidence that attitude have significant effect on the process of the learning and remembering and recalling that the research in this regard has shown that the attitude affect the perception. As a result of this one fails to develop the talent because our educational standards are not in any way able to develop the talent and this is mainly because our educational standards can not satisfy the needs and the main result of this is that the dull students remain the back bencher and as a result of this become the burden on the society because we do not try to access their attitudes and the abilities towards school.
Hence now the same can be summarised as the degree of the positive or the degree of the negative affect that is seemed to be associated with some of the major psychological objects. These objects mean any type of the mental state or the neutral state of the readiness. An individual with the positive affect or with the feeling with the psychological object is said to like that object or to have a favourable attitude towards the object. It is generally an aspect of the personality inferred to an account for persist ant behaviour towards a family of the related type and the no of the situations or the objects that are under the consideration of an individual. So hence it is just a predisposition of the pre determined manner to be related to the stimuli.