What are the steps of Effective Writing?
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Any type of the writing requires a proper criterion for being accurate in its form. Both business writing and personal require a proper set up to be written in an understandable way. Any type of the writing can be separated into three stages so that there could be convenience in writing them. The three steps required for effective writing are pre-writing, free writing and re-writing. In the first type of the writing i.e. pre writing, proper planning is involved. It includes the planning of the subject matter, material, facts to be included and literature that is needed to be searched. The proper planning leads to the writing in a convenient way. We need to know the purpose of the writing before writing any letter, report, memo etc. the purpose of the written message if well known helps us to think in that direction only avoiding all other factors that distracts us. The person to whom message is to be written also needed to be known. If the message is to be written to the higher authorities it should be in the formal way. Hence knowing the receiver will minimize our form of our choices or options. The scope of the subject is also needed to be known because it will help in making the subject matter.
The desired response expected from the receiver should also be pre-planned. The purpose of writing helps us to know the information about product or situation so that certain things can be requested for at the proper timings. If he person to whom message is written is known to us then it becomes easy for us as we get to know the level of understanding of the reader. The writer needs to put himself in the place of the reader and think in that way in order to make him understand the things in a better way. The perspective of the reader once known make it easy for the writer to write in the favour of the thinking of the reader. This as a result makes the written message interesting and is of vital importance for the reader. The reader will devote his time to such a reading and it will also be satisfied reading the message. The clearly defined messages are effective one and they are capable of avoiding the messages that are overloaded and misleading. There is certain aim of the business messages and they are not written without any purpose. This type of writing aim at the specific results that is meant to be hidden in reader’s response. The sales letters are able to generate the interest in the product, the enquiry letter aim at the getting the information to be supplied and the reports are meant to guide the organization to initiate a particular action and to check the working of the organization. The collection of the information is very important for pre writing step of the writing the message.
It is very important to collect the facts and figures related to the subject matter and to gain its authentication because the wrong message conveyed can mislead the reader taking the wrong decision in a particular situation. After planning and decision of message to be written the next point is to collect the information that supports the written statement. Information collected could be according one’s experience and education. The things that can help for providing knowledge for the written message are the libraries, interviews with experts, directories etc. the next step for the writing process is the free writing. It refers to writing the first draft in rough after deciding what to write, whom to write and collecting all the information regarding the subject matter. It is not important that first draft will be the final draft. In order to finalize the first draft lot of revision, correction and amendments are required. The outlining of the matter is done with the help of the free writing process. It works as ‘blue prints’ that help in constructing a building. The outlines play an important role and once they are written one should start writing freely in the way he feels convenient and pen down the innermost thoughts on the paper. The imagination should not be ignored and the creativity should be used at its best while writing the message freely. It is important to keep the ease while writing and do not sacrifice for the fine tuning, expression and perfect grammatical rules. One should feel free from mental stress while writing and should indulge deeply in the process of writing forgetting the outer world. All the mental strength should be gathered in a positive sense and should be invested in a positive direction leading to the generation of the positive vibes that helps to writ more effectively ad impressively.
The subject matter should be put concentration on and the thoughts should be looked for from the depth of the mind as well as the heart in order to write with the wisdom. The next step is of re-writing which is the last but not the least significant stage of the writing. It involves the revision and the review of the first draft formed in the free writing process. It helps to finalize the message written and helps to make the message ready to be sent to the reader. The message should be made ready with the point of the view of the reader. The messages are written with the point of view if the writer as the writer was in solitude while writing the message and he was in his inner self and deep thoughts while writing. Hence it is also important that message should be also ready keeping in view the reader’s point of view. The writers that are good are because of the process of re-writing because they keep on editing and they believe in keep on improving. The messages that are perfect are mostly re-written. The words used in the written message should be understandable by the reader and it should not contain the confusion. The messages should not contain long and lengthy sentences. It is better to replace the long and lengthy sentences with the simple and short sentences. One should favour active voice while writing the written message instead of the passive voice. The message should be well- knit and logical. The grammatical errors and punctuation errors should be avoided to the greater extent. The tone of the message should be kept in mind that further depends upon the relationship with the reader. It can be positive, negative, humorous, formal or informal. However it all depends upon the nature of the reader and the relationship we