Discuss Reading Strategies to build vocabulary?
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There are some strategies that can be used while reading to increase our vocabulary: Theses are:-
Read comprehensively
The more we read, the better we become at reading. We read on a variety of topics in order to build our vocabulary. The larger the vocabulary we have, the less time we will have to spend trying to understand words in context and the more time we will have for accurate reading.
II. Read Challenging material
If we always read things that are easy for us, we will not develop our ability to read more difficult material.
III. Read the material critically
Think about what you are reading. Ask yourself what the passage or article is about. Ask your self how the writer defends the ideas presented in it.
(a) Extensive Reading:
Read as much as you can -particularly newspapers, magazine articles, and encyclopedia entries that are academic in nature. By reading this type of material, you will encounter the kind of words that will be useful for you to learn. When you are reading, try to guess the meaning of unknown words from the context. To do this, use other words in the sentence or passage as clues that show you the moaning of unfamiliar words. If you still are not certain, look the word up in your dictionary and check if your guess was correct.
(b) Use Notebooks
When you come across a word you don’t know, first write it on a notebook and then look it up in a dictionary. Write down the meaning and any other information that will help you to learn the word. Increase your vocabulary by studying your notebook.
Write sentences using the new words. Try to add at least three new words with their synonyms (words that mean the same) and antonyms (words that mean the opposite) to your vocabulary every day.