Describe the process of Reading?
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Effective reading is an important skill that demands conscious and sustained cultivation of good reading materials. It is the end result of a complex mental process that comprises:
(a) Recognition of words which are symbols of facts and ideas. It requires a good knowledge of vocabulary—its spelling and pronunciation which leads to the group of phonetic and morpho-phonemic structures of a particular language.
(b) Next comes Perception, which is the translation of symbols into meanings. Here is required an awareness of the common grammatical categories such as singular-plural, masculine-feminine, active-passive, sequence of tenses, use of articles, etc.
(c) The next is Comprehension, i.e., understanding of meaning, and putting it in a context, thereby deconstructing the whole idea presented by the author. This leads to the problem of denotation. i.e., literal meaning and connotation, i.e., interpretative meaning. Here one has to learn to read between the lines: whether the author is saying what he means or ho is saying by implication and in an allegorical style.
(d) Association comes in the end. Comprehension leads to association. What is the relevance of the written text with the present state of knowledge and to the reader? Here new ideas and knowledge are synthesized with the old for better understanding and by making ft relevant to the present state of the knowledge and to the reader? At this stage new ideas and knowledge are synthesized with the old for the better understanding and by making it relevant to the present situation.