
Following are the topics which are covered in this section. You can choose from the sub sections or continue directly below the sub sections.

What is the Importance of effective Public Speaking Skills?

The effective public speaking skills is required to analyze in depth and explored in a better way in order to make the best use of it in all possible ways. The first way to make your self perfect in the public speaking process is to listen yourself speaking. Make sure that you record yourself and listen yourself carefully. In this way one can properly make out where the things are going wrong. To listen to your own voice is the very first step to discover how your voice sounds to the public. It helps in exploring the places where the practice is needed. The simple exercise to improve the speaking skill is to listen to your self and find flaws. The way one speaks let the others take the idea of the intellectual of the person. The confidence level is clearly explained in the voice of the person. The vocal range of the person makes the things attractive or monotonous depending upon how it sounds. Some speak in flat and lifeless tone. Others have super animated voice that makes them interesting to listen whatever they are saying.

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Explain the concept of Strategic Planning in Organization?

The strategic planning is the management activity of the organization that helps to set the priorities, helps in focusing the energy along with the resources, strengthening of the operations, ensuring the working of the employees as well as the co workers towards the common goal with all the dedication and the pain, establishment of agreement around the outcomes or the results that are intended. In order to stay in the business for the longer period of the time every business needs to covert prospects to the closed sales. Marketing itself to the customers who are potential is the strategy of the marketing. The company can have more than one kind of strategy at a time with the help of the various marketing platforms. These marketing platforms include the different kinds like that of networking, the traditional print advertising and digital media. The marketing strategies should be planned well before hand and one can build properly upon them by stopping or adjusting the strategies that are unsuccessful one in the nature. The analysis of the situation is very necessary before making any kind of the strategy. It is necessary to analyse where the business actually sits.

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Explain the Process of Decision Making

The process of decision making is stated as the cognitive process that results in the selection of the course of action or belief among the number of alternatives that are possible to take place. The decision making process helps to make the final choice. It is not important that all the decision making process prompt an action with the final choice that has been made through that decision making process. It is basically the process of choosing and identifying the alternatives that has been based on the values and vision of the decision maker. Many things depend upon the decision maker and hence it is important to make the things with correct vision and mind set. It is basically the activity of problem solving which gets terminated on finding the solution that should be satisfactory for the problem holder. In this process less or more rational or irrational is based upon the tacit or explicit knowledge or beliefs. There are different perspectives through which human performance can be judged. The psychological aspect helps to examine the decision of the individual in the context of the set of needs, values and preferences.

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How Finance and Economics are related?

The finance and economics are taken as the separate subjects while in actual they are interrelated disciplines that tend to affect each other in many other ways. The economics is the social science and involves the studies of consumption, production and distribution of the goods and services. It includes other things also recession, inflation and supply and demand. It gives the explanation of the way the government taxes and spends. It helps in teaching the effects of the events as well as the policies on the conditions of the business. It helps in giving the investors a tool to use when they are analyzing the markets and the companies. The scope and the career in the economics involve research and teaching. The banking institutions or the companies employ economists in order to forecast the inflation, growth, interest rates etc. Some of the investors listen closely to what economists have to say regarding the markets and what are the do’s and do not’s during the ups and downs in the companies or the market. The finance is regarded as the offshoot of economics in many aspects.

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Explain GAAP and its Principles

GAAP stands for Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. It is the bunch of accounting standards and usage of the common industry which has managed to develop a lot in past many years. It is helpful in the organization sin the many ways. It helps in proper organization of the financial information in the companies or any business unit. It helps in summarizing the accounting records in the form of the financial statements. It helps in disclosing the certain information that is very useful and supportive. The main reason to use GAAP is one can easily compare the multiples companies on the reasonable basis. It covers a large number of topics and all can be discussed under the GAAP. They include financial statement presentation, assets, liabilities, equity, revenue, expenses, business combinations, derivatives and hedging, fair value, foreign currency, leases, non monetary transaction, subsequent events, industry specific accounting which includes airlines, health care and extractive activities. The industry specific accounting which is allowed or required under the process of GAAP may vary from the more generic standards substantially for certain types of the accounting transactions.

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