
What is the role of Automation in Controlling?

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Automation in the Controls
1. Computers

a. Acts as a great sensing device.
b. The real time controls have been made possible with the help of the computers.
c. All the fields of the management in today’s world have been pervaded by the computers.
d. Acts as a great platform for the information, the communication, the discussions etc.
e. Various automatic controls like the bells, the buzzers, the alarm etc. act as very good examples of the various equipments being used in the process of the controlling, as these are linked to the central computers.
f. The conversion to the recording and the broadcasting information can be done easily with the help of the computers.

2. The Communication Tools

a. The remote control of the various managerial activities is now possible because of the easy movement of the remote communication, which has been made easy by the various improvements and the performances that have taken place in the technology.
b. The home office has now become a reality.
c. The work hours have become more flexible in the nature.

3. The development of the software

a. Now days so many software packages have come up, which are having their own control systems.
b. The softwares play a very important role in the development of the working controls.

This article has been written by KJ Singh a MBA Graduate from a prestigious Business School In India
Article Published:July 20, 2011

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