
What is the Proces of Information?

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The various steps of the process of the Information can be understood from the following table –

S.NO Stages Various Activities Involved
1. Capturing Recording of the data from a certain transaction is done.
2. Verifying Checking of the data is done.
3. Classifying Then here the data is placed in different categories depending on the various attributes.
4. Arranging Data is arranged in a certain order.
5. Summarizing Aggregation of the elements of the data is done in this stage.
6. Calculating Arithmetical and the logical calculations and the computations are carried out.
7. Storing Here the data is placed in some storage media.
8. Retrieving The various elements of the data are searched and also accessed.
9. Reproducing Data is duplicated from one medium to another.
10. Dissemination Data is transmitted from one place to another.
This article has been written by KJ Singh a MBA Graduate from a prestigious Business School In India
Article Published:April 23, 2011

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